Construction Buildings in Smithfield
Did you know that there are approximately 8,100 residence over approximately 10 square miles of land? Did you know at the Isle of Wight
Museum you can see the World's Oldest Smithfield Ham — over 100 years old? Did you also know that H.W Enterprises has built sheds,
barns, and garages in Smithfield for 6 decades in Smithfield and Isle of Wight county. Whether you are adding onto a historical home, or adding
an accessory building to a new home, we invite you to give us a call and we will come to you and show you how we can design, build and construct a building
that should last as long as that ham in the museum.
H.W.Enterprises, Inc. builds custom buildings including garages, sheds, homes, additions, barns and many other dwellings to fit the needs of Hampton Roads.