Fire is one of man’s most formidable adversaries. How many thousands
of people are burned out of their homes? Many of those fires start in
the accessory buildings on the property, like garages or storage
buildings. An experienced Building Contractor is intimately aware of
the building requirements to prevent the spread of fire. An experienced
Building Contractor implements those requirements out of habit and
responsibility without cutting corners.
It is an enormous task of the local Building Officials to properly
enforce compliance. There are specific and implied fire-resistant
building requirements for garages, accessory and storage buildings.
Some Building Contractors are focused on building at the minimum
required guideline with complete disregard for the potentially fatal
consequences of complacency. When it comes to fire, responsible
building is a must. It doesn’t matter if the building is made of steel.
Disregard of fire-resistant construction guidelines is foolish.
A lot of tradesmen perform their duties out of habit. No all workers
are schooled or trained other than in the field. And that training is
mechanical. If one framer teaches another worker a way to draft-stop
or fire-block with short-sight, it can mean the difference between
injury and life. While there is little substitute for experience, an
educational component can make or break a successful garage project.
Knowing building code and WHY it is important is the fore-front of an
experienced new construction General Contractor.
What is fire-blocking and what is draft-stopping? According to
International Building Code, fire-blocking is required to cut off all
concealed draft openings, both vertical and horizontally, to form a
fire-barrier between the stories of a garage, home, addition or
accessory structure, as well as those in a roof-assembly. Fires need
air to grow. By cutting off these spaces, fires are less likely to
spread as far or as quickly.
Draft-stopping focuses on the usable space both above and below the
concealed space of a floor-ceiling assembly. Draft-stopping guidelines
require any space of 1000sf or less be draft-stopped in every garage,
home, addition, accessory structure or storage building. Draft-stopping
divides the concealed space into equal areas, where the ceilings
assembly is enclosed by a floor membrane above and a ceiling membrane
below. For example, suspended ceilings.
When you are ready to build your garage, addition or accessory
structure, talk with your Building Contractor about fire-resistant
building. If he doesn’t use the terms, draft-stopping or fire-blocking,
call another Contractor. Call H.W. ENTERPRISES, INC. to discuss your
next building project. With over 59 years of experience in building
garages, shell homes, barns and additions, H.W. ENTERPRISES, INC. KNOWS
your family deserve nothing less.! Call 757-595-4562 or 757-696-1927 or visit us at