When you are constructing a garage, shell home, addition or barn,
lighting and ventilation are important considerations to make. We
certainly need to see and we need to have air. The building requirements
regarding light and ventilation are determined by whether the new
structure is habitable or inhabitable space. Code says that all
habitable rooms are to have window glass not less than 8% of the floor
area of those rooms. Windows are not required however if a mechanical
ventilation system is installed.
This is not the case when building a garage. Garages are not
considered habitable spaces unless a portion of the building is to be
used for true living space, such as apartment –garages.
In the summer, attic spaces or second stories get hot. In the winter,
the whole building can also be rather cold. Most people build garages
for automobiles and tool storage. Men who like to tinker make room for a
workshop of sorts in addition to housing cars. Building garages with
second stories is a common desire. You can have your cars and tools
downstairs and ample storage upstairs. How do you stay warm? In the
milder months, opening the door, garage doors or windows can keep the
building cooler, but what can you do about heat?
Most garages do not have heat or other mechanical trade work. They
are acceptably used primarily for storage, not as habitable spaces.
Lighting puts off heat. The more lights the more generation of heat. You
can’t very well put in endless lighting though. Number one you would
have a hard time squinting constantly and your electric bill would be
enormous. What are some options?
Insulating your garage, barn or accessory structure is the first line
of defense. Installing insulation is relatively easy with only 4 tools
needed: safety glasses, a tape measure, a staple gun and a knife.
Ceilings should have R-38 and walls R-19. This is a cost-effective
measure that helps shield the building from the outside temperatures and
hold in interior temperatures.
Radiant heat in the slab can certainly make a difference in
temperature. It is a series of electrical cords that are put into the
concrete when you pour your slab. It is costly due to the need for
constant current, however, long-term exposure of your feet and legs
while in your garage will certainly create discomfort over time.
There are a variety of mini-split HVAC units that are ductless and
require little current. This is a cost-effective method to heating and
cooling your garage, barn or accessory structure. And of course, you
could certainly put in a full HVAC system.
Lastly, insulation on the outside of the garage using wraps, tape,
caulk and quality building products ensures the best possible
environment. CALL H.W. ENTERPRISES, INC. at
757-595-4562 or
757-696-1927 and visit us on the web: WWW.HWENTERPRISESINC.COM . WE HAVE BEEN BUILDING GARAGES FOR ALMOST 60 YEARS. H.W. ENTERPRISES, INC. will help you plan a successful garage.